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A message from Ms. Schemmel

Writer: powayhschoralboostpowayhschoralboost

Hello, PHS Choir Families!

I am so excited to be with you again, even though it will be virtually for the time being...

You might be wondering, "What will choir look like this fall?"

Here is what I know for sure we will include:


  • Pieces focused on PURE JOY (I can't wait!)

  • Digitally combined choral pieces, and advanced choirs combining with all the other PUSD high school advanced choirs on some pieces

  • Learning both Broadway/pop and classical solos (Don't worry, Concert Choir, you will have some options in this area if you have virtual stage fright .)

  • Yes, sight reading  (but not as much as the spring)

  • Yes, music theory (but not as much as the spring)

  • Music Videos (as long as it's legal) (inspired by BYU - definitely take a look at their choir YouTubes)

Even though I wish we could safely be together in person, there were some silver linings from being virtual this past spring.  My favorite things that came out of the spring were:

  • SO many people improved tremendously in sight reading.  This year's auditions had AMAZING sight reading results.  I am so proud of you all!

  • I learned a lot about each of your individual voices.   I am excited to be able to focus on growing each of your skills on a more individual level.

  • We are all having to learn how to incorporate digital music making skills, which is the way most  professionals do it anyway! 

I am sooooo looking forward to seeing all of your faces and hearing your voices!

Here's to making the most refreshing lemonade out of the sourest of lemons


Ms. Schemmel

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